World history

World History: One Hundred Points In Time.

Select an event:

The Mollusks - 488 Million Years Ago
The Dinosaurs -250 Million Years Ago
The Mammals - 65 Million Years Ago
The Primates - 60 Million Years Ago
The Hominids - 5 Million Years Ago
The Neanderthals - 230,000 Years Ago
The Homo Sapiens - 200,000 Years Ago
The First Cave Paintings - 31,000 Years Ago
The Siberian Land Bridge - 12,000 BCE
Ancient Jericho - 9,000 BCE
Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent - 8,000 BCE
Institutional Slavery - 8,000 BCE
The First Boat - 7600 BCE
Domestication of Animals - 7000 BCE
Egyptian Civilization - 5500 BCE
The First Civilization in China - 5000 BCE
The Age of the Pyramids - 2686 BCE
The First Civilization in India - 2500 BCE
Minoan Civilization on Crete - 2000 BCE
Caribbean Islands - 2000 BCE
Babylonian Civilization - 1894 BCE
Mayan Civilization - 1800 BCE
The Mycenaean Civilization - 1200 BCE
The Levant - 1200 BCE
The Sea Peoples - 1200 BCE
The Phoenicians and Carthage - 1200 BCE
The Settlement of the Samoan Islands - 1000 BCE
The Etruscans - 907 BCE
The Classical Greek Period - 800 BCE
Jewish Diaspora - 597 BCE
Persian Empire - 550 BCE
Roman Republic - 500 BCE
The 300 Spartans - 480 BCE
The Peloponesian War - 431 BCE
Alexander the Great - 336 BCE
The Punic Wars - 264 BCE
Hannibal Barca - 218 BCE
Japanese Civilization - 100 BCE
Spartacus - 73 BCE
Julius Caesar - 58 BCE
The Pax Romana - 27 BCE
Roman Influence - 6 BCE
Jesus Christ - 6 BCE
Hadrian's Wall - 122 CE
Emperor Constantine - 306 CE
Byzantine Empire - 330 CE
Attila the Hun - 434 CE
The Fall of Rome - 476 CE
The Middle Ages - 476 CE
Nobles, Knights, and Castles - 500 CE
Monks and Monasteries - 525 CE
The Arab Empire - 632 CE
The Arab Slave Trade - 650 CE
Kings, Czars, and Popes - 700 CE
Genoa and Venice - 700 CE
The Mississippian Civilization - 700 CE
The Moors - 711 CE
The Vikings - 793 CE
The Crusades - 1095 CE
Genghis khan - 1162 CE
The Black Plague - 1348 CE
The Renaissance - 1350 CE
The Decline of Feudalism - 1400 CE
Joan of Arc - 1412 CE
The Aztec Empire - 1431 CE
Inca Empire - 1438 CE
The Portuguese Slave Trade - 1441 CE
The Gutenberg Bible - 1452 CE
The Fall of Constantinople - 1453 CE
The Voyage of Columbus - 1492 CE
The Reformation - 1517 CE
The Voyage of Magellan - 1519 CE
The Fall of the Aztec Empire - 1521 CE
The Siege of Vienna - 1529 CE
The Fall of the Inca Empire - 1533 CE
The Manila Galleons - 1565 CE
The Spanish Armada - 1588 CE
The Middle Passage - 1600 CE
The Jamestown Settlement - 1607 CE
The Plymouth Colony - 1620 CE
The Pirates - 1650 CE
Peter the Great - 1689 CE
Frederick the Great - 1740 CE
The Seven Years War - 1756 CE
Watt's Steam Engine - 1760 CE
The American Revolution - 1775 CE
The French Revolution - 1789 CE
Napoleon Bonaparte - 1799 CE
The Communist Manifesto - 1848 CE
World War I - 1914
The Russian Revolution - 1917
Fascism - 1920
The Great Depression - 1929
The Spanish Civil War - 1936
World War II - 1941
The Cold War - 1945
The Korean War - 1950
The Viet Nam War - 1964
Moon Landing - 1969
Arab Spring - 2011