United States History Chronology Challenge Twenty
Drag a date in history onto the event that matches the time period.
1712 AD
1739 AD
1846 AD
2003 AD
1941 AD
1776 AD
1825 AD
1754 AD
1000 AD
1765 AD
Robots on Mars
Correct: The United States put a robot on Mars in 2003.
Incorrect: The United States put a robot on Mars in 2003.
World War II
Correct: America entered World War II in 1941.
Incorrect: America entered World War II in 1941.
French and Indian War
Correct: The Frech and Indian War began in 1754.
Incorrect: The Frech and Indian War began in 1754.
Viking Settlement
Correct: A Viking settlement was established in America around 1000 AD.
Incorrect: A Viking settlement was established in America around 1000 AD.
Mexican-American War
Correct: The Mexican-American War began in 1846.
Incorrect: The Mexican-American War began in 1846.
Valley Forge
Correct: The American Continental Army camped at Valley Forge in 1776.
Incorrect: The American Continental Army camped at Valley Forge in 1776.
American Whaling
Correct: The American Whaling Industry began around 1712.
Incorrect: The American Whaling Industry began around 1712.
Stono Rebellion
Correct: The Stono Rebellion occurred in 1739.
Incorrect: The Stono Rebellion occurred in 1739.
Forks of the Road
Correct: Black slaves were sold at Forks of the Road in 1825.
Incorrect: Black slaves were sold at Forks of the Road in 1825.
Quartering Act
Correct: England passed the Quartering Act in 1765.
Incorrect: England passed the Quartering Act in 1765.
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