United States History Chronology Challenge Three
Drag a date in history onto the event that matches the time period.
1876 AD
1944 AD
1964 AD
1776 AD
1804 AD
1863 AD
1692 AD
11000 BC
1765 AD
1846 AD
Louis and Clark
Correct: The Louis and Clark Expedition began in 1804 AD
Incorrect: The Louis and Clark Expedition began in 1804 AD
Clovis People
Correct: The Clovis People crossed into North America around 11000 BC
Incorrect: The Clovis People crossed into North America around 11000 BC
Viet Nam
Correct: The Viet Nam War began in 1964 AD
Incorrect: The Viet Nam War began in 1964 AD
Correct: The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863 AD
Incorrect: The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863 AD
Donner Party
Correct: The Donner Party headed to the west coast in 1846 AD
Incorrect: The Donner Party headed to the west coast in 1846 AD
Little Big Horn
Correct: The battle of the Little Big Horn was fought in 1876 AD
Incorrect: The battle of the Little Big Horn was fought in 1876 AD
Stamp Act
Correct: Britain passed the Stamp Act in 1765 AD
Incorrect: Britain passed the Stamp Act in 1765 AD
Normandy Invasion
Correct: The Normandy invasion was conducted in 1944 AD
Incorrect: The Normandy invasion was conducted in 1944 AD
Salem Witch Trials
Correct: The Salem Witch Trials were held in 1692 AD
Incorrect: The Salem Witch Trials were held in 1692 AD
Valley Forge
Correct: The American revolutionary army camped at Valley Forge in 1776 AD
Incorrect: The American revolutionary army camped at Valley Forge in 1776 AD
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