United States History Chronology Challenge Two
Drag a date in history onto the event that matches the time period.
11,000 years ago
Jamestown Slavery
Correct: The first African slaves arrived in Jamestown in 1619.
Incorrect: The first African slaves arrived in Jamestown in 1619.
Roanoke Colony
Correct: The Roanoke colon was established in 1588 AD.
Incorrect: The Roanoke colon was established in 1588 AD.
Viking Settlement
Correct: The Vikings settled in Vinland about 1000 AD.
Incorrect: The Vikings settled in Vinland about 1000 AD.
European Diseases
Correct: European diseases began to affect natives around 1500.
Incorrect: European diseases began to affect natives around 1500.
Jamestown Settlement
Correct: Jamestown was settled in 1607.
Incorrect: Jamestown was settled in 1607.
Columbus Landing
Correct: The first Columbus landing was in 1492.
Incorrect: The first Columbus landing was in 1492.
Correct: The Mississippian civilization began about 700 AD.
Incorrect: The Mississippian civilization began about 700 AD.
French Exploration
Correct: The French began to explore America in 1608.
Incorrect: The French began to explore America in 1608.
Clovis People
Correct: The Clovis people had settlements in America 11,000 years ago.
Incorrect: The Clovis people had settlements in America 11,000 years ago.
The Sea Venture
Correct: The Sea Venture sailed into a hurricane in 1609.
Incorrect: The Sea Venture sailed into a hurricane in 1609.
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